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Yin Yoga + Reiki - The Missing Peace

A Yin Yoga Sequence for the fall equinox, led by Deana Bacon.

The Fall Equinox, signals a time to turn inward and embrace the dark, lunar sides of our lives. As the nights get longer and the days get cooler, the perfect time for soft, slow Yin Yoga.
During the Fall Equinox we’re starting to wind down, turning that bright, sunny energy into something more subdued and reflective. This fall Yin Yoga sequence celebrates our fire while transitioning us toward focusing on our roots. You’ll start by facing the sky as if to catch those last summer rays, then ground and lengthen to celebrate growth. You’ll finish by surrendering your body to the earth. This sequence also subtly works your hips to release lingering emotions.

Energetically, autumn is associated with the metal element and the Large Intensive Meridian, which helps us clear what doesn’t serve us physically, mentally, and spiritually. Throughout this sequence, you’ll draw attention to your abdominal organs — so consider what you’re letting go as another solar year comes to a close. The Large Intestine Meridian yang counterpart is the Lung Meridian, so consider a vigorous pranayama (breath work) exercise before and after practice.

Yin Yoga works with different tissue groups, so it shouldn’t feel the same as a Yang class like Vinyasa. When you find your edge — where it would feel about right to stop in a more active pose — dial it back about 30 percent. It can be hard to get used to, but with a regular Yin practice, you’ll start noticing the difference in your Yang practice, too. You should never feel in pain or tingly.

In this particular Yin class, Deana will mind the time, and you will be instructed to mind your breath leaving you to enter the poses fully without worrying about how many minutes have passed.

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