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Fall Ayurvedic Cleanse

Led by Abby Strauss-Malcom

Seasons Shift. So Do You.
Days start to grow shorter, temperatures cool and you may start to notice a yearning to turn inwards and be more reflective. All of these changes mark the transition to fall. Nature moves to the next season by letting go of what no longer serves it. Trees drop their leaves and sap starts to move downward, below the ground to prepare for the coming winter.

Nature has the same effect on us as we are part of nature. You might feel burnt out trying to keep up the same frantic social schedule as summer. You might feel heat in the body in the form of inflammation, aches and pains and skin issues. Digestion gets impacted by all the summer foods and fun. Taking an intentional pause gives your system a chance to rejuvenate and heal itself.

This transition in season is the perfect time to cleanse!!!


October 13

Beginners Foundations Series

November 13

Autumn Chill - Myofascial Release & Restorative Yoga