With Stephanie Read.
The call for more breathwork has been heard. We'll gather to experience a full guided breathwork journey that utilizes a cosmic playlist, essential oils, and other tools to support you. The breath will engage the body’s energy systems to remove blocks and connect you to your emotional center, your creativity, your intuition, and your heart. By breaking through these energetic blocks, the body’s inherent ability to release stuck energy and heal itself is stimulated. The power of group breathwork is undeniable.
Some of the benefits of breathwork are:
Access to greater creativity and expression
Deeper connection to self, guides, ancestors, the natural world, and Spirit
Releases stuck energy in the body, healing is stimulated
Renewed energy and clarity
Heightened intuition and receptivity
Decreased anxiety, frustration, overwhelm, depression, and confusion
Breathwork is performed lying down and while intense sensations or emotions may arise ultimately there is a clarity and closeness to self that rises to support you. Combined with the gentle universal energy of reiki, you'll leave with a total energy reset.